Clinical Supervision

Clinical Supervision

My Approach

Over the past 9 years I have provided individual and group clinical supervision to doctoral-level psychology practicum trainees and interns, master’s counseling interns, and early-career counselors and psychologists working toward licensure. Having worked with individuals at various levels of training, I have a solid understanding of developmentally appropriate expectations. At the start of supervision, I assess the supervisee’s current level of competence and work collaboratively with them to identify areas of strength and goals for growth. I use a supervision contract to clarify responsibilities of supervisor and supervisee and to detail a learning plan to address the identified areas for growth.

I subscribe to the Discrimination Model of supervision, flexibly taking on various roles in supervision depending on what is needed at the time. I use my knowledge and expertise to ‘teach’ supervisees specific skills as needed. I put on my ‘counselor’ hat to help supervisees explore their reactions to clients and personal biases or experiences that may interfere with their clinical work. And I often take on the role of ‘consultant,’ absorbing the full clinical picture and offering new perspectives to consider. Additionally, I really enjoy taking on a mentor role in supervision, taking time to discuss important professional and career issues that supervisees face.

Similar to my therapeutic approach, I find a combination of supporting and challenging supervisees to be most effective. I share my opinions and thoughts openly, so you’ll never guess what I’m thinking, and my sense of humor always shines through. I’ve found this approach to assist with building strong rapport so trust and vulnerability are present and difficult conversations can occur.

Who can I supervise?

As a licensed psychologist in the state of North Carolina, I am eligible to supervise psychology graduate students at the practicum or internship level or early-career psychologists toward licensure. I am also able to supervise student and professional mental health counselors. I encourage you to review your state’s practice act for your mental health field to determine specific supervisor requirements.


My supervision rate is equal to my 60-minute therapy rate: $175 per hour. Additional charges may apply for review of documentation or therapy recordings. Please contact me to negotiate a fair rate for supervision.

Path of Life Psychological Services, PLLC
(336) 600-2333
Pfafftown, North Carolina